The Light in Every Thing

“Supplicating Prayer” ~ Episode 13 in the Series, "The Letter to the Ephesians"

The Seminary of The Christian Community Season 4 Episode 26

Our conversations focusing on Ephesians 6:10-20 have delved into the deep question and need that lives in every human heart—with everything that comes at us in this life, where can we turn for true protection? How can we face the attacks of this world, stay standing and cultivate a heart that is still open, whole and capable of generative, loving work?  Once again, Christ shows us the way, demonstrating the protection offered by each aspect of armor as He made His way to the cross, faithfully oriented towards the Father. The Father received his beloved Son and raised Him up. Christ Jesus offers us no less. It is for us to transform our hearts and turn towards Him with honesty and humility.

Support the show

Many thanks to Camilla Lake for show notes and Podcast/Patreon production and communications. Thanks also to Elliott Chamberlin who composed our theme music, “Seeking Together.”

The Light in Every Thing is a podcast of The Seminary of The Christian Community in North America. Learn more about the Seminary and its offerings at our website. This podcast is supported by our growing Patreon community. To learn more, go to