The Light in Every Thing

“Bowing Down to a Brother” - Episode 18 in the series, “Letter to the Ephesians”

The Seminary of The Christian Community Season 4 Episode 31

“How does the divine creator being become a “Father”? And how does this being become our Father? These questions emerge out of the conversation as Jonah and Patrick explore Ephesians 1:2-3. The questions lead us into the incredible thought that comes through at the beginning of Paul’s letter and all early Christianity—Christ is our brother.  Patrick and Jonah work to make sense of these mysteries of the new birth through Christ—the possibility of a whole new self.

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Many thanks to Camilla Lake for show notes and Podcast/Patreon production and communications. Thanks also to Elliott Chamberlin who composed our theme music, “Seeking Together.”

The Light in Every Thing is a podcast of The Seminary of The Christian Community in North America. Learn more about the Seminary and its offerings at our website. This podcast is supported by our growing Patreon community. To learn more, go to