The Light in Every Thing

“Freedom and the Seal of the Holy Mind” - Episode 23 in the series, “Letter to the Ephesians”

The Seminary of The Christian Community Season 4 Episode 35

Our next episode returns to the intricacies of what it means to be sealed by the Holy Spirit, a promise referred to in Ephesians 1:13.  According to Paul, bearing the seal of the Holy Spirit comes about when we are able to access and participate in the mind of God. Jonah and Patrick explore this uniquely human path—created in the image and likeness of God, coming to our selves within earthly life, and freely choosing, over and over again, to re-turn towards God in all humility. The seeds of our future inheritance were planted in the beginning. The seed can germinate and grow towards that which gives it life. It is the same for us.

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Many thanks to Camilla Lake for show notes and Podcast/Patreon production and communications. Thanks also to Elliott Chamberlin who composed our theme music, “Seeking Together.”

The Light in Every Thing is a podcast of The Seminary of The Christian Community in North America. Learn more about the Seminary and its offerings at our website. This podcast is supported by our growing Patreon community. To learn more, go to